Soccer suspense novel "The Churning" - Chapter 3
Arman has imaginary arguments with his successful if abusive older brother Kamran, and he learns more about his captors and their goals.

Soccer suspense novel "The Churning" - Chapter 2
Arman's ordeal continues at the hands of his captors.

Soccer suspense novel "The Churning"- Chapter 1
Persian-American soccer star Arman Hessabi wakes up blindfolded and chained to a chair somewhere in Europe.

Welcome to Varisye
For about 30 years--literally, going back to high school--the fantasy world of Varisye has occupied space in my head. There have been...

The Mistakes Which Kill
What if you were, in effect, responsible for the deaths of two innocent people at the hands of a murderer? If your action, or choice not...

"Warfare" Snippet
The following is from Warfare, the forthcoming third book in my Woman at War saga. Warfare should be available in late '20. ~ The...

Snippet from 'Destruction'
Running down the inside of Hulk's arm was a large tattoo. It was a brilliant pink flower with pointed leaves and a vine-like stem curling...

Preview from 'Destruction'
At the obstacle course, three dozen mud-brown soldiers waited in lines for their turn on the ten-leg [30-foot] ladder-climbing wall. Worn...

The Beautiful Drawing Board
In 1985's Contact, Professor Carl Sagan predicted the planet's wealthy elite would have orbital residences. Thirty years later, are

Story: The Summation of Life
'One day next week, there will be a memorial service. And if it rains, it will be like an assault on decency. And I'll have to go, r